
I am

I'm an ambitious, commercially focused, full-stack website developer. I love building beautiful interfaces, web apps, and everything in between!

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About Me

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I got my start programming when I started a book-selling website. Ever since then I have been learning and building everything I can get my hands on.

As a web developer, I enjoy bridging the gap between engineering and design — combining my technical knowledge with my keen eye for design to create a beautiful product. My goal is to always build applications that are scalable and efficient under the hood while providing engaging, pixel-perfect user experiences.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:

  • React JS
  • HTML
  • Javascript (ES6+)
  • CSS / SASS / Material UI
  • Next JS (familiar )
  • Sanity / Strapi


EasyItPoint Landing Page

Designed and developed a responsive website for Easy IT Point that helps users to explore their services. Added a slider that shows reviews of users. Added animation to make the website more attractive.

tech used :

HTMLCSSJavascriptSwiper JS

Saj Crypto

Developed a web application that shows a list of cryptocurrencies and news-related cryptocurrencies. Implemented a chart that uses real-time data. Added an 'add to favorite' functionality that allows users to store their favorite cryptocurrency.

tech used :

ReactMaterial UIReact routerRTK QueryRedux toolkitCoinGecko APIChart JS

Saj Estate

Built a website that helps users to find available properties to buy or rent. Implemented serverless CMS which allows admins to update property listings. Added filtering functionality that sorts listings by categories.

tech used :

Next JSSassSwiper JSStrapiGraphql

Job Hunting

Developed a web application that helps a user to keep track of their job applications. Added functionality that allows users to create, read, update, and delete their job application records. Implemented Login and logout functionality.

tech used :

ReactBootstrap 5React routerNode.jsExpressMongoDB

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